KABUL MARKET A3 original

KABUL MARKET A3 original

CHF 516.00

This colorful market scene is a product from my imagination of Kabul, a city I never met and cannot experience in real live in the current situation.

Watercolor, ink and color pencil on acid free heavy textured watercolor-paper.

Although it’s a bright and happy heterotopic market scene it’s also a reminder to devote attention, send love and strength to the people who have experienced the unexpressable. If it’s through prayer, education about circumstances, conversation, meditation or any form that complies with you, don’t let the severe strokes fall into oblivion.

So invite the colorfulness of a fully imagined, heterotopic Kabul market into your home and whenever you have some mental space, please mentally send some positive emotions through mother earth.

*disclaimer: I’m not in any way competent to tell you what is happening in Afghanistan since I never experienced any of the events myself. I only know what gets through through media, which is usually heavily filtered if not altered truth.
Always do your own research with a critical attitude towards the provider if you are not sure if you can rely on their trustworthyness. If you would like to educate yourself further into the topic, here are some resources I like to turn to when looking for information:
https://womenforafghanwomen.org/ (they also provide you with further press links)

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